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你们中的很多人可能知道,我去学校把我的图书馆学硕士学位德雷塞尔大学的在线计划。我想也许你会有兴趣听到我的类(本季度,至少)。我把两门课程,第一个是介绍信息系统分析(设想讲述了系统分析)。它基本上是一个概述的系统分析师。是完全诚实的…这不是我最喜欢的课程。有很多茂密的条件,当读到一本40页的章可以让我头脑模糊。但是,教授教学类都有一个很好的幽默感,喜欢开玩笑,这绝对可以放松心情。对于我最后的项目,我们要分析一个系统(真实的或由)和写一个提案中的“掌权者”如何实现或改进系统。我决定我想要分析和提出一个系统实现图书馆的博客!第二个课程我是网络信息和资源设计(网页设计设想讲述)。 In this course, we are making webpages, while learning about the different aspects of designing for the web. By the end of the quarter, we will have two webpages- one by using HTML code and the other with a website design software (namely, Dreamweaver). As you may have guessed, the first website we are creating is being done strictly with HTML code. Which is really…how can I put this?…DAUNTING. I have nightmares about tags, lists, and tables. The website I am working on now is on my writing-more specifically, poetry. I promise to post the link when it is finished, but I am warning you. Let me just put it this way- not only will you get to see my horrible website making skills, you’ll also get to see my horrible writing skills as well! (Just kidding!…I suppose.) I have been asked a lot of questions on how online classes actually work on a daily basis. I’m sure each program at each school is different, but I think Drexel has it down pretty well. Drexel uses Blackboard as a learning space. Each week new lectures (usually Word documents) and assignments are posted by the professors. We, as the students, read the lectures and any other readings that are given to us, whether from our books, websites, or journal articles. Then, we complete the assignments (usually exercises or activities) submit them through either email, the Assignment Manager, or the Digital Dropbox in Blackboard. Finally, we post to the class discussion board on the topic given for the week. Everything is posted by the professor by Monday morning and is due on the following Sunday by midnight. This is all done very independently and at “one’s own pace.” Although I am enjoying my courses and look forward to the outcome, Library School + Full-time job = Stress City. I have decided to take the summer off and then start again in the Fall with only one course a quarter. I will get my degree a little slower than anticipated, but definitely with my sanity intact.