

今天我的朋友和同事说再见,玛丽亚木匠。玛丽亚离开东北萨默维尔市公共图书馆主任。斯奈尔今天是她的最后一天。玛丽亚来到这里10年前作为参考和指导图书管理员。当我们遇见她,我们知道她是一个我们想要雇佣的位置。很明显,她的首要任务是图书馆员是细心的,有同情心的图书馆员和图书馆用户之间的通信。她多年来扩大发展我们的主任,市场营销和通信(位置她创建了),她已成为图书馆的耳朵和声音,协调所有通信,意见箱的新闻稿,以满足作者的程序。作为图书馆网络经理,我一直向玛丽亚的支持和指导。她能够给我建议全局通信优先级,和她能读一个句子,告诉我如果基调是正确的。她乐意尝试任何可能帮助图书馆的技术交流,包括Facebook、YouTube、Flickr和Twitter,和她背后的力量创建这个博客。 Above all, Maria has always been a great bridge for me. I think that’s because she makes a point of going outside the library. She attends NU events and professional conferences, audits classes and has dinners with alumni. Everywhere she goes, she listens to what people say about Snell Library and brings their perspectives back to me and my colleagues, asking us to look up from our books and our laptops and engage with what’s going on at Northeastern and beyond. Not content with the relentless pace of her professional library activities, Maria’s recently begun to take an interest in yoga, and has found it so satisfying that she’s become an instructor. One of the things I will miss is being able to attend the occasional noon yoga class she leads for her friends in the seminar room at Snell, once again, getting us to lift our heads up from our laptops and stretch a little. In fact, stretching is what I expect Maria to continue to do, in who-knows-what unexpected directions, when she takes the reins at Somerville Public Library. Back here at Snell, I shall follow her career with interest, and I hope that once in a while she’ll meet me for a Mark N Stormy at Highland Kitchen, so we can continue talking about the future of books, libraries and communities as we’ve been doing for the past ten years. Goodbye, Maria, and always when you stretch, don’t forget to breathe! To view the official press release of Maria’s departure, visit the雷竞技app最新版raybet雷竞技东北大学图书馆的新闻和事件页面。




祝贺两个斯奈尔库工作人员:玛丽亚木匠,市场发展总监,和希拉里Corbett,学术交流图书管理员,他在昨天的展示了他们的研究研究和奖学金世博会。 玛丽亚汇报她的工作,“啦啦队长、机会导引头和主策略师:陆军研究实验室的董事作为企业领导人,“检查企业领导如何被用来产生收入,建立新的伙伴关系,提高服务。本研究探讨图书馆如何董事成员研究图书馆协会的支持)定义和参与创业领导和 表明企业领导如何改善财务状况,促进创新,建立信誉。 希拉里提出图书馆的视觉在她的作品《研究支持服务,“数字解决方案和服务来支持研究东北大学图书馆”。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版它描述了图书馆的东北部早期项目实现和探索未来发展的机会和协作套件的人员支持服务。讨论了包括全套的服务虹膜(东北的数字档案),数字存储库服务和数据管理服务。看到事件的日程已排满,读到其他学生,工作人员,和教师研究访问研究东北&奖学金世博会的网站。你也可以读今天的ν新闻聚光灯从两个东北的学生工作。