

内高层Ed文章 发布Genius上亚当鲁滨逊 发布印记巴尔的摩,MD。听起来像他通过发布非传统数字版或铺设巴尔的摩全城网页成功实现一样。即使我从未访问过该市,我从阅读开始就有文学巴尔的摩软点 Lauralippman书籍中提及故乡光学类 詹姆斯M隐, Edgar Allen坡H.L.门肯.


高级Ed内部有篇文章标题 " 租回读回i发现相当有趣和推荐阅读。它关注数个网站,允许学生以减价租书与Netflix不同, 书籍不按时交回时, 切格网站剖面设计中之一同意为租用的每一本书树上树。 Stephanie Lee作者写道:
网站去年开始创收1000万元, 光是去年一月就超过1000万元.切格自发并透过子程序购买书籍
切格和出版商McGraw-Hill之间的联合企业很有趣,我很想知道这些收入分量是什么作者连通前高德文章标题 " 通书时段评语部分俄勒冈大学图书馆员Andrew Bonamici 链接程序they've undertaken with their campus bookstore to try and reduce the cost of textbooks for students.  One commenter, ML, offered this opinion: "The single thing that would make the biggest difference in the money that students I know have to spend on books would be a liberalization of copyright law."  Based on my own experience, I'm tempted to agree.  I often had to buy coursepacks, which were expensive, loosely bound article reprints-the cost of those materials was certainly not due to fine paper or binding.   With so many different stakeholders with competing interests, it's hard for me to imagine a single, successful, solution built on compromise.


东北部开工前,我不知道 内高Ed.令我印象深刻的是,我读到至今的内容, 并保持与全美高端趋势同步是件好事今日文章标题与Diann博客文章相同: 粘贴电击文章处理美元下降值、燃料成本上升以及美国经济未来摇摇欲坠问题,面对日益强调学院海外学习课程(包括东北省)。尽管成本上升, 海外课程仍有巨大推送(和学生兴趣推送)文章假设这类程序的未来可能在于廉价外国目的地,对未来出国人数的最终效果仍然不确定。