
斯奈尔图书馆是获得一个新的图书馆员:丹尼尔Jergovic被任命为一个新的元数据元数据管理部门的图书管理员。与东北大学库Jergovic开始他的新工作在1月9日。raybet雷竞技雷竞技app最新版元数据馆员,Jergovic创建访问图书馆的资源,尤其是那些电子和数字。Jergovic说他这方面很感兴趣,因为他喜欢“组织信息的挑战”和“帮助人们找到并使用图书馆资源”。Jergovic带来了大量的经验,他的新职位:在东北工作之前,他是一个图书管理员五年了,在南佛罗里达大学的华盛顿大学和圣地亚哥州立大学。在圣地亚哥州立,他管理元数据和编目为多个印刷和数码项目活动。Jergovic持有的msi在奥尔巴尼纽约州立大学。除了他作为图书管理员的不同位置,Jergovic也是图书馆委员会的积极贡献者和职业发展协会,包括阿拉巴马州ALCTS CaMMS招聘和指导委员会和领导发展委员会,在那里他担任通讯联络。Jergovic刚刚搬到波士顿,喜欢生活在城市。来自克利夫兰Jergovic一直生活在几个城市,包括西雅图、圣地亚哥、坦帕,和伦敦。 Jergovic says Boston is among his “most favorite places to live”. Jergovic is also fluent in Croatian and Serbian and has been an instructor at Berlitz International. When he’s not at the library, Jergovic has numerous hobbies that he likes to partake in, including movies, music, traveling, exercising, eating out at restaurants, and cooking, although he admits the latter is not his strongest skill. So far, Jergovic likes working at Northeastern and says he is “really impressed by the university,” especially its “strong orientation towards looking toward the future.” We at the library welcome Daniel to Northeastern University and wish him luck in his new position!