
这项政策已经显示出巨大的成功的迹象。PubMed Central现在包含超过200万全文文章报道最新的结果研究,和近百万一半个人每天访问这些文章。现在这个新财富的信息可用,我们想知道你的经验是。具体地说,我们想听听:1。你是如何使用数据库?2。你的文章用来帮助自己特定领域里的新发展呢?3所示。的可用性这些文章通过PubMed Central帮你推进研究的方式就不会发生,如果他们没有?4所示。有文章作者出现在PubMed中央的政策?5。 Have you been contacted by other researchers who have found your work in the database, or vice versa? 6. Have you taken any of the articles to your doctor or other health care provider? 7. Has your healthcare provider used this database as a resource? (if you don’t know, please ask her/him!) 8. Has the availability of the articles in PMC had an impact on how you (or anyone in your community) manage your health care? We’ve heard from people who have used the latest research in various ways, and the stories are extremely powerful. If you have one, please share it! It will help us to not only ensure that PubMed Central remains open as an important public resource, but also to make the case to open up additional publicly funded databases from HHS and other federal agencies as well.