东北档案专栏 波士顿市种族公平历史

雷竞技app最新版过去两年中,东北大学图书馆档案和特殊收藏与世界种族公平工作组合作 市长恢复和种族公平局.MORRE办公室的首要任务是帮助所有波士顿人建立恢复能力,处理并挑战社会和种族不平等问题。The Racial Equity working group (an advisory group for the office) consisted of incredible warriors– smart, experienced, passionate people who do battle every day but still are able to laugh, breathe, and do it all over again the next day.  The Chief Resilience Officer leading the charge to create Boston's Resiliency Plan, Atyia Martin, and her staff allowed The Archives to assist the effort by convening a group of historians and archivists  (‘history holders') and Race Equity Working Group members to strategize how lesser known/understood aspects of Boston's history across race and ethnicity, including immigrants, could be showcased from a personal and policy perspective.Donna比文斯公司写入 波士顿busing/Degreation项目7教程获取更多完整历史信息 获取电源作用知识访问允许我们集中个人和集体努力实现真正的社会变革。” 这次会议的结果之一是演化城市的政策、PLACE和POWER:BOSTON的种族EQUITY历史项目,这是描述波士顿市闪点、战场和不公平结构的地图和时间框架可查看时间轴 http://socialjustice.library.northeastern.edu/