
昨天早上在下车通勤铁路在上班的路上,我平常的拿出我的iPod和最喜欢的歌。然而,当我带着它出去玩,什么都没有发生。我意识到我的电池死了…,吓坏了。容易解决,对吧?工作和充电后就把它带回家。但是,这将涉及没有一天。整个back-from-a-week-and-a-half-off天。我知道什么我从来不想承认,我沉迷于我的iPod。它从未使用过这种方式。我可能是地球上唯一一个没有iPod,当然,我的朋友只有一个。 I thought, “I’ll never get one. I’ll never cave to society’s popular gadgets.” But, when my other cheap-o mp3 player bit the dust, I decided it was time for a change. Something a little more innovative, a little more durable– a little more like an iPod. So I went for it and let me tell you: it was the best $150 I’ve ever spent. Not only did I get an iPod, but I got the brand new 3rd generation nano. Gasp. I listen to it on the way to work. I listen to it at my desk. Occasionally you can see me listening to it walking around the stacks while searching for media booking items. Of course I listen to it on the way home from work and let’s not forget before I fall asleep at night. I even got it a little protective case so it doesn’t get scratched. I may even name it someday, but I don’t know if I want to go there, yet. I am in love with this thing. Well, rest assure, the first thing I did yesterday when I got home was charge it so that it would be ready for today. As a closing note, I thought I would share with you all what I am currently listening to: Gretchen Wilson- her album,在这里聚会(我承诺——这是唯一的乡村音乐我的iPod !) ~特里西娅