
产品说明:作者:埃德蒙·莫里斯920页的平装书出版商:现代图书馆发布:2001年很难捕捉任何美国总统的精神,由我们的一些职位最复杂的公民,看起来几乎不可能涉及的一个最大的本质,西奥多·罗斯福。26日的美国总统是一个人格,知道一些界限,甚至更少的恐惧和与许多之前或之后的他,他可以退休40岁时没有进入白宫已经令人难以置信的成就列表。西奥多·罗斯福的崛起涵盖了这个时期,从1858年他出生在上任的第一天在1901年威廉·麦金利总统被枪杀了。这本书开篇丰富的轶事一年一度的新年仪式在首都公民将文件通过白宫和总统握手。莫里斯巧妙地介绍了故事的英雄的人,等待时间1月冻结温度控制总统的手不超过第二个半。莫里斯描述了令人难以置信的人沿着宾夕法尼亚大道延伸线和压倒性的印象都留下当他们看着罗斯福的眼睛,把他的手。通过这个我们显示不仅对总统集体感情,而且他自己的意志和爱的人下午2:00他动摇了超过8000手。我们瞥见一个人的决心和完整性,通过许多账户应该几乎没有住过去的青少年由于一波又一波的疾病。这一集定下基调为随后的900页,一场战斗不断的将人撞倒了,纯粹的决心继续回来。在阅读这本书之前最可能有一个基本的回忆泰迪·罗斯福的大量简历成就,从专业的历史学家和动物学家到纽约市警察局长和荣誉勋章的总统候选人。然后是很重要的认识到如何熟练的莫里斯在彻底覆盖这些成就而不是停留在他们或者让他们定义他的书和主题。太容易简单的叙述上半年罗斯福的生活通过他的各种头衔和职位,然而莫里斯而不是提供了为这些成就更重要的个人背景。 He paints a picture of the man through not only the extensive correspondence and journals he kept, but also descriptions of the world he lived in. As much as Morris describes the world in which Roosevelt lived, he also depicts the world he shaped through an incredible cult of personality. Morris utilizes quotes from several people that were in close proximity to Roosevelt both personally and professionally to describe the penetrating effect he had on those around him. More often than not the quote will begin with an unrelenting first impression of a brash, awkward man who was direct almost to a fault, before giving way to a forgiving remark about a certain uncanny ability to win over both heart and mind. In explaining how stoic, dry and emotionally stunted men like Henry Adams, Thomas Reed, and Henry Cabot Lodge tolerated the boisterous Roosevelt , Morris writes that they “…grew dependent upon [Roosevelt’s] warmth, as lizards crave the sun” (164). Perhaps as significant to the casual reader as historical accuracy and citation, the book is remarkably well paced for such a large volume. Morris does well to keep the story moving even when there’s opportunity for much more elaborate description or inferences and seems to keep the reader’s sanity in mind at all times. He is no doubt writing for both the history enthusiast and uninitiated and plays to both throughout the book, writing like a novelist but introducing enough primary source material to keep scholars content. Descriptions are rich in detail and even the action reads like a thriller at times but there is also an extensive section of notes and bibliography at the back of the book. It should be said though that Morris’ depiction is colored by a somewhat romantic reverence for Roosevelt.西奥多·罗斯福的崛起几乎是Homer-esque,一个庞大的史诗英雄的决心克服无数的障碍通过狡猾和决心在他回家的路上从战斗。奥德修斯和泰迪都囚禁在每个故事的开始(一个海中女神的岛上,一个疾病),和两位作者是同情他们的角色通过原谅任何人格缺陷的产品他们的困难。虽然这并不完全从书的完整性作为它唯一的“感觉”,它让我想知道如果有任何不到发光的他的个性或能力。在总西奥多·罗斯福的崛起写得是一个非常好和广泛研究的书在一个我们最伟大的总统,应该作为一个权威的账户在就职之前,他的生活。似乎这样一个激动人心的生活实际上写的传记作者叙事本身没有太多的努力,而不是把它轻轻地,莫里斯的技巧实际上增加了故事。不用说我兴奋三部曲阅读下一篇文章中,西奥多·雷克斯,因为如果它甚至有点有趣,我相信它将是一个巨大的阅读。这本书西奥多·雷克斯斯奈尔可从图书馆。图书馆也有其他一些书在罗斯福,包括他的演讲和自传。