BEGIN:2.0CALSCALE:GRERGORIANPRODID:iCALNDAR-RubyBEGIN:预防对象:扩展描述:寻找一种方式在最后一周走出脑海T文艺中心邀请你到美术馆360Take a brea k from studying and explore the uncanny world of games\, toys\, and crafts through the new exhibition At Play.\n\nCome discover a toy store created by machine learning\, let your hands be the guide to de- and re-constructing Block Party blocks\, and consider the meaning of play as explored by the ar tists whose work is on display.\n\nSnacks will be provided!\n\n \n\nAt Play \nPresenting work by five women artists navigating and untangling the tensi ons of play\, At Play pays particular attention to the societal expectation s placed upon women through these systems.从材料探索到新手技术\, 每位艺人都与游戏文化影响并渗透日常生活.\\n\nGallery360/由艺术中心主任Juli ana Barton/DTEND:202208T2000ZDTAMP:20240530T082427ZTSTART:2022080T180ZGE:42.341957;71.08675Lacation:Gallery360SEQUE:0摘要:Studioble