BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Panel/Roundtable Discussion DESCRIPTION:Our Graduate Roundtable Information Sessions are a great opport unity to learn more about Northeastern program offerings in the STEM discip lines including Computer Science\, Engineering\, Data Science\, Informatics \, Healthcare\, Biotechnology\, Digital Media\, Regulatory Affairs\, and mo re.\n\nREGISTER NOW\n\nJoin us for one of our sessions\, either from 12:00- 1:00 PM PST or 5:30-6:30 PM PST.\n\n- Engage in an interactive presentation about the history of Northeastern\, its global rankings\, and the mission of our graduate campus in Seattle\n\n- Learn how Experiential Leaning can m ake a difference in your education\n\n- Meet representatives from our Admis sions Team\n\n- Explore our campus during a guided tour of our three dedica ted spaces in South Lake Union\n\nLearn more about our Seattle Graduate Cam pus prior to attending the event by visiting our website.\n\nEmail Bryan Fo uquet\, admissions recruiter\, at with any questions.雷竞技app最新版DTEND:20151008T223000Z DTSTAMP:20240202T055730Z DTSTART:20151008T160000Z GEO:47.622577;-122.337436 LOCATION:Northeastern University-Seattle SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:STEM Graduate Roundtable Information Session\,2008:EventInstance_1616843 URL: ation_session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Panel/Roundtable Discussion DESCRIPTION:Our Graduate Roundtable Information Sessions are a great opport unity to learn more about Northeastern program offerings in the STEM discip lines including Computer Science\, Engineering\, Data Science\, Informatics \, Healthcare\, Biotechnology\, Digital Media\, Regulatory Affairs\, and mo re.\n\nREGISTER NOW\n\nJoin us for one of our sessions\, either from 12:00- 1:00 PM PST or 5:30-6:30 PM PST.\n\n- Engage in an interactive presentation about the history of Northeastern\, its global rankings\, and the mission of our graduate campus in Seattle\n\n- Learn how Experiential Leaning can m ake a difference in your education\n\n- Meet representatives from our Admis sions Team\n\n- Explore our campus during a guided tour of our three dedica ted spaces in South Lake Union\n\nLearn more about our Seattle Graduate Cam pus prior to attending the event by visiting our website.\n\nEmail Bryan Fo uquet\, admissions recruiter\, at with any questions.雷竞技app最新版DTEND:20151211T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240202T055730Z DTSTART:20151210T170000Z GEO:47.622577;-122.337436 LOCATION:Northeastern University-Seattle SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:STEM Graduate Roundtable Information Session\,2008:EventInstance_1616844 URL: ation_session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Panel/Roundtable Discussion DESCRIPTION:Our Graduate Roundtable Information Sessions are a great opport unity to learn more about Northeastern program offerings in the STEM discip lines including Computer Science\, Engineering\, Data Science\, Informatics \, Healthcare\, Biotechnology\, Digital Media\, Regulatory Affairs\, and mo re.\n\nREGISTER NOW\n\nJoin us for one of our sessions\, either from 12:00- 1:00 PM PST or 5:30-6:30 PM PST.\n\n- Engage in an interactive presentation about the history of Northeastern\, its global rankings\, and the mission of our graduate campus in Seattle\n\n- Learn how Experiential Leaning can m ake a difference in your education\n\n- Meet representatives from our Admis sions Team\n\n- Explore our campus during a guided tour of our three dedica ted spaces in South Lake Union\n\nLearn more about our Seattle Graduate Cam pus prior to attending the event by visiting our website.\n\nEmail Bryan Fo uquet\, admissions recruiter\, at with any questions.雷竞技app最新版DTEND:20160219T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240202T055730Z DTSTART:20160218T170000Z GEO:47.622577;-122.337436 LOCATION:Northeastern University-Seattle SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:STEM Graduate Roundtable Information Session\,2008:EventInstance_1616845 URL: ation_session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Panel/Roundtable Discussion DESCRIPTION:Our Graduate Roundtable Information Sessions are a great opport unity to learn more about Northeastern program offerings in the STEM discip lines including Computer Science\, Engineering\, Data Science\, Informatics \, Healthcare\, Biotechnology\, Digital Media\, Regulatory Affairs\, and mo re.\n\nREGISTER NOW\n\nJoin us for one of our sessions\, either from 12:00- 1:00 PM PST or 5:30-6:30 PM PST.\n\n- Engage in an interactive presentation about the history of Northeastern\, its global rankings\, and the mission of our graduate campus in Seattle\n\n- Learn how Experiential Leaning can m ake a difference in your education\n\n- Meet representatives from our Admis sions Team\n\n- Explore our campus during a guided tour of our three dedica ted spaces in South Lake Union\n\nLearn more about our Seattle Graduate Cam pus prior to attending the event by visiting our website.\n\nEmail Bryan Fo uquet\, admissions recruiter\, at with any questions.雷竞技app最新版DTEND:20160407T230000Z DTSTAMP:20240202T055730Z DTSTART:20160407T160000Z GEO:47.622577;-122.337436 LOCATION:Northeastern University-Seattle SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:STEM Graduate Roundtable Information Session\,2008:EventInstance_1616846 URL: ation_session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Panel/Roundtable Discussion DESCRIPTION:Our Graduate Roundtable Information Sessions are a great opport unity to learn more about Northeastern program offerings in the STEM discip lines including Computer Science\, Engineering\, Data Science\, Informatics \, Healthcare\, Biotechnology\, Digital Media\, Regulatory Affairs\, and mo re.\n\nREGISTER NOW\n\nJoin us for one of our sessions\, either from 12:00- 1:00 PM PST or 5:30-6:30 PM PST.\n\n- Engage in an interactive presentation about the history of Northeastern\, its global rankings\, and the mission of our graduate campus in Seattle\n\n- Learn how Experiential Leaning can m ake a difference in your education\n\n- Meet representatives from our Admis sions Team\n\n- Explore our campus during a guided tour of our three dedica ted spaces in South Lake Union\n\nLearn more about our Seattle Graduate Cam pus prior to attending the event by visiting our website.\n\nEmail Bryan Fo uquet\, admissions recruiter\, at with any questions.雷竞技app最新版DTEND:2060628T230000ZDTSMP:2024020T05730ZTSTART:2016628T160000ZGE:47.622577;122.37436定位:东北大学-SeattleSEQEEE:0摘要:STEM研究生圆桌会议\\2008:EventInstance_1616847URL:https://calendar.nort