BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0CALSCALE:GRAGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-RubyBEGEN:VEVETERGORIESE:Lecture/Workshop/CLULTER/CLUTEROCIEGLEGLE/NNfo cus海外搜索2023秋季学期或后If you think you may be interested in attending\, think about:\n\nHave you eve r thought about doing co-op in another country?Would you like to learn more about available co-op opportunities\, or creating your own opportunities a broad?Are you curious about the logistics associated with a global co-op?If you answered yes to any of these questions\, we hope you'll attend so that we can introduce you to the search process and provide you with some impor tant resources.\n\nThese info sessions are a great opportunity to connect w ith the DMSB Global Co-op Team\, hear from past global students about their experiences\, and ask all your questions.强烈建议您在开始搜索前先参加信息会议!\\nnifequestion或想更多信息\,请联系DMSBGlobaltemdsbglobalcoop@nortthword.ed期望与你相遇20230208T180000ZDTSIMP:20240426T1400508ZDSTART:20230208T170000Z定位:SEQUE:0摘要:DMSB全球协同信息会议\,2008:EventInstance_42146961795404 URL: 7595 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR