BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0CALSCALE:GERGORID:iCALNDAR-RubyBEGIN:PreventeCATORIES:Lecture/Workshop/CLULTER/CLUTEROCLEAR/NETLEDERLINGLEDLONGLED:LOCED:RICHS 254NNNNN集中寻找海外coops 2023瀑布存储器或后If you think you may be interested in attending\, think ab out:\n\nHave you ever thought about doing co-op in another country?Would yo u like to learn more about available co-op opportunities\, or creating your own opportunities abroad?Are you curious about the logistics associated wi th a global co-op?If you answered yes to any of these questions\, we hope y ou'll attend so that we can introduce you to the search process and provide you with some important resources.\n\nThese info sessions are a great oppo rtunity to connect with the DMSB Global Co-op Team\, hear from past global students about their experiences\, and ask all your questions.强烈推荐您先参加信息会议sectionh.h.n/n期望与你相遇20230131T23300ZDTSIMP:20231021T102156ZDSTART:20230131T22300Z定位:Richards\,2008:EventInstance_42146942392635 URL: 3628 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR