VACLENDAR VERSION:2.0CALSCALE:GRAGORIAN PRODID:iCALNDAR-RubyBEGIN:PreventeCATORIES:CAREER建设/Network,AFLENE Description:Join the Student Alumni Association and t he Office of Alumni Relations for the D'Amore-McKim College of Business 5 U nder 25 program.\n\n5 Under 25 is a panel series that brings back five alum ni under the age 25 to provide current students with a glimpse of where the ir Northeastern education and experiences can take them.\n\nYou will hear p anelists discuss the successes and failures they have experienced both as s tudents and professionals\, and have the chance to ask questions about co-o p\, job searches\, interviews\, and careers.\n\nAlumni Panelists Include:\n \nChristopher Wolfel\, DMSB'13\, CoFounder & CRO at Mavrck\nCasey Hogan\, D MSB'15\, Marketing Generalist at Drizly\nAyla Axeloons\, DMSB'14\, Operatio ns Coordinator at Tatum\nMelissa Goldberg\, DMSB'14\, Innovation Strategist at D2D Fund\nArthur Maserjian\, DMSB'14\, Financial Analyst at Wells Fargo Capital Finance DTEND:20151008T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240610T050229Z DTSTART:20151007T223000Z GEO:40.784583;-111.889927 LOCATION:Office of Alumni Relations\, Alumni Room (6th Floor) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:5 Under 25: D'Amore-McKim School of Business\,2008:EventInstance_1590089 URL: of_business END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR